Margarida Barroso

MSCA IF fellow
University Institute of Lisbon
GEMILLI – Gender, Migration and Illiteracy. Policy and Practice for Social Integration
Margarida Barroso obtained a Ph.D. in Sociology in 2013 from the University Institute of Lisbon (ISCTE-IUL) with a doctoral thesis on the Quality of working life in organisational contexts from North and South Europe. This work received the Honorable Mention for a doctoral dissertation, Award António Dornelas, GEPE - Portuguese Ministry of Work, Solidarity and Social Security, 2017. She then focused on a project concerning the Organisational strategies to adjust to the economic crisis in Portugal, Spain and Greece.
She is now a Researcher at the Centre for Research and Studies in Sociology (CIES), ISCTE-IUL, Lisbon, where she develops a project on the Quality of life in contemporary societies: Work, Gender and Education, in partnership with the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology.
Projet de recherche
Margarida Barroso’s project aims to analyse the intersections of gender, migration and illiteracy in contemporary European societies, and to give evidence on policy and practice developments for the social integration of migrant women with low literacy in Europe. Building on the existing literature and research evidence, GEMILLI proposes an intersectional, comprehensive and integrated approach, able to advance knowledge further and to inform social policy in the context of the European Union.
Considering the present trends of international migration in Europe and the political and scientific challenges brought by the socalled migration crisis and by the increasing inflows of migrants from countries with high illiteracy, this project proposes a comparative, cross-country and multi-scope analysis of policy and practice between old and new immigration countries, taking Spain and France as case studies. GEMILLI will give evidence on a) the main country-differences regarding the social integration of migrant women with low literacy levels; b) the nature, characteristics and functioning of the local organisations working directly with migrant women with low literacy levels and in charge of training, alphabetisation, language learning, and social integration actions; c) the impacts of the intersections of gender, migration and illiteracy for the life trajectories of women.
The research design contemplates both the qualitative and quantitative dimensions of the phenomenon and considers macro (institutional/policy), meso (organisation/practice) and micro (individuals/biographies) levels of analysis. It uses a mix-method methodology, combining complementary research strategies such as policy and institutional analysis, organisational case studies and life stories.
Sélection de publications
- 2019. Gonçalves, C., Couto, A., Barroso, M. and Cruz, S., “Valores do trabalho: regularidades e singularidades portuguesas” [Work values: Portuguese regularities and singularities], in Barbosa, A. and Parente, C., Sociologia, Gestão e Economia. Diálogos Transversais entre Brasil e Portugal, Curitiba, Editora CRV.
- 2009. Guerreiro, Maria das Dores, Frederico Cantante and Margarida Barroso, Trajectórias Escolares e Profissionais de Jovens com Baixas Qualificações [Educational and professional trajectories of low qualified youngsters], Lisbon, GEPE.