Mariela PENA

University of Buenos Aires
Mots clés : Rural women, political participation, feminisms, intersectionality, globalization
Women's social and political participation in rural organizations, local and global keys
Mariela Pena obtained her PhD in Anthropology from the University of Buenos Aires in 2015. She carried out a postdoctoral fellowship at the Interdisciplinary Institute for Gender Studies (IIEGE/UBA) with a full funding grant awarded by the Argentine Research Council (CONICET), which she concluded in 2018. Currently, she is a member of the research group "Gender and emotions in political participation" within the same Institute, and has membership in the Collective of Feminist Anthropologists. Her individual work explores gender policies, emotions and daily life in rural social movements, based on the ethnographic case of the Peasant Movement of Santiago del Estero, in Argentina. She also is an assistant professor and lecturer in different National and Latin American Universities (FLACSO Uruguay), and has published and reviewed numerous academic articles and mentored thesis students at a postgraduate level. Mariela Pena has also worked for the Argentinean government’s programs (Ministry of Education) and has consulted for international organizations (IDRC, Canada; and FIP, Latin America and the Caribbean).
Projet de recherche
We are currently witnessing the emergence of social movements led by collective actors from marginalized rural environments, who claim their rights to resources for their sustainability but, simultaneously, position themselves –forming increasingly sophisticated ideological frameworks- as alternatives to neoliberalism. This phenomenon expresses the need for social studies to read those processes in terms of transnational dynamics and flows that convey the potential of these subjects to re-appropriate globalization technologies. A sharp particularity is the convergence of women’s leaderships, or the conformation of rural women’s associations drawn by different strands of feminism, which indicate the relevance of the ‘intersectionality of gender’ category. In this context, the project entitled "Women's social and political participation in rural organizations, local and global keys" analyzes the organizational experience of rural women, considering the Spanish case from a comparative perspective with the Mo.Ca.SE - Vía Campesina, a peasant’s movement that emerged in Argentina during recent decades due to conflicts regarding their rights to land.
Sélection de publications
“Maternidades y crianzas en el Movimiento Campesino de Santiago del Estero-Vía Campesina (Argentina)”. [Motherhood and child rising at the Peasant Movement of Santiago del Estero-Vía Campesina] Revista Anthropologica, Nº 43, 37. [In press], 2019
¿Por qué no ser agentes de salud nosotras/os mismas/os?”: Mujeres y políticas de salud en un movimiento campesino argentino. [Why not becoming health agents ourselves? Women and health at a peasant movement in Argentina] Revista de Antropología Social, Nº1, 27, 2018
“Una mirada sobre la participación femenina en el Movimiento Campesino de Santiago del Estero (Argentina) a partir de relatos de vida”. [An approach to women participation at the Peasant Movement of Santiago del Estero-Vía Campesina, from authobiographical narratives] Revista Colombiana de Antropología. Nº53, 2, 2017
“Hacia una voz propia y feminista en el movimiento campesino de Santiago del Estero”. [Towards an own feminist voice at the Peasant Movement of Santiago del Estero-Vía Campesina] Revista Investigaciones Feministas de la University Complutense de Madrid. Vol. 8, Nº1, 245-266, 2017
“Las políticas de la vida cotidiana en el Movimiento Campesino de Santiago del Estero-Vía Campesina, Argentina”. [Daily life politics at the Peasant Movement of Santiago del Estero-Vía Campesina] Boletín de Antropología de la University of Antioquia. Nº 53, 210-231, 2017