Mariana de Moraes Silveira
François Chevalier Fellow
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Continentes del Derecho: Proyectos identitarios, usos de la historia y debates sobre arbitraje en los Congresos Jurídicos Iberoamericano (Madrid, 1892) y Americano (Río de Janeiro, 1900)
Mariana de Moraes Silveira is an Associate Professor of Theory of History and History of Historiography at the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. She received her Ph.D. in Social History from the Universidade de São Paulo (2018) and holds a Master’s degree in History from the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (2013). She has been a visiting graduate researcher (2016) and a postdoctoral fellow at the Max-Planck-Institut für Rechtsgeschichte und Rechtstheorie (2018-2019), as well as the recipient of a Fulbright Junior Faculty Member Award to visit Columbia University (2024). She served as editor-in-chief of the journal Varia Historia (2022-2023) and has been one of the editors of Lingua Franca, published by SHARP – The Society for the History of Authorship, Reading and Publishing, since 2016. Her main research interests are intellectual history, legal history, history of historiography, history of international relations, history of women and gender relations.
Projet de recherche
Research project
This project analyzes two gatherings of jurists that aimed to strengthen academic, cultural, and political connections between the Americas and the Iberian Peninsula. The Ibero-American Juridical Congress took place in Madrid in 1892, convened by the Royal Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation. Similarly, the American Juridical Congress occurred in Rio de Janeiro in 1900, promoted by the Institute of Brazilian Lawyers. These events, tied to commemorations of anniversaries of the conquest of America, provide insights into the uses of history by law graduates, the interplay between nationalism and internationalism, and the dynamics of reshaping legal knowledge and territorial imaginations. In this regard, debates on international arbitration emerge as a pivotal theme, connected to both the transformation of relations between Europe and America and the political effects of legal expertise.
Sélection de publications
Selected publications
2024. “Dos diplomáticos en busca de un territorio: Zeballos, Rio Branco y el arbitraje del Presidente Cleveland (1893-1895)” (en coautoría con Camila Bueno Grejo), in Héctor Domínguez Benito (org.), El arbitraje de ejecutivos en controversias territoriales: Un enfoque internacional y doméstico (ss. XIX-XX), Valencia, Tirant lo Blanch, pp. 215-248.
2023. “Transatlântico”, Transatlantic Cultures (en línea).
2022. “Advogados das Américas: Juristas e(m) imaginações continentais”, in Eliana de Freitas Dutra, Jorge Myers (org.), Continente por definir: As ideias de América no século XX, Belo Horizonte, Editora UFMG, pp. 331-377.
2021. “‘Escrever, ser útil à sociedade’: Uma análise da produção intelectual de Myrthes de Campos”, Estudos Ibero-Americanos, 47, pp. 1-16.
2019. “La Revista del Colegio de Abogados de Buenos Aires: Entre proyecto profesional e intervención en la vida pública (1921-1941)”, Revista Historia y Justicia, 12, pp. 1-29.