Matteo Lazzari

François Chevalier Fellow
Università di Napoli Federico II
Imágenes de Guatemala: Política y desastres en la Recordación Florida y las Crónicas de Indias (Siglos xvi-xvii)
Matteo Lazzari is currently a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Naples “Federico II” in the ERC research project DisComPoSE. He received his Ph.D. in Early Modern History from the University of Bologna in 2019. He studies the African slavery in New Spain, and the Holy Office of the Mexican Inquisition. As part of the DisComPoSE project, he studies the management of disasters of natural origin in the Viceroyalty of New Spain and in Guatemala.
He has been a Visiting Research Scholar at the Department of American History at the University of Seville (2023) and did research visits at UNAM - Universidad Nacional Autonoma de México. In the Instituto de Investigaciones Historicas in 2014 and 2016, he worked on the documentary holdings of the Archivo General de la Nación de México. In 2017, he was a Visiting Research Fellow in the Department of History at Brown University, Providence, USA.
Projet de recherche
Research project
The research project Images of Guatemala: Politics and Disasters in the Recordación Florida and the Chronicles of the Indies (16th-17th Centuries) aims at studying a manuscript known as Recordación Florida Discurso historial y demostración natural, material, militar y política del Reyno de Guatemala, written in 1690 in Santiago de Guatemala by the creole Francisco Antonio Fuentes y Guzmán (1643-1700). This is a coeval copy sent to Spain in 1695 by the author of the original manuscript himself currently preserved in the collections of the Archivo General de Centro América in Guatemala City.
This research project aims at studying the manuscript through the lenses of the disaster studies. In line with the recent historiographical trends in the international scholarly community, the project interrogates how the narratives about earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occurred in colonial Guatemala in the six-teenth and seventeenth centuries changed in the Chronicles of the Indies.
Sélection de publications
Selected publications
- 2024 (Expected). “Santiago de Guatemala nel lungo xviii secolo: gestione politica, ricostruzione e abbandono dal terremoto del 1717 al disastro del 1773”, Rivista Storica Italiana.
- 2024 (Expected). “Santiago de Guatemala nel lungo xviii secolo: gestione politica, ricostruzione e abbandono dal terremoto del 1717 al disastro del 1773”, Rivista Storica Italian.
- 2023 (Forthcoming). I colori della malafede. Afromessicani, Inquisizione e razza in Nuova Spagna (1570-1640), Roma, Viella.
- 2023 (Forthcoming). “Maroons Between Escape and Political Reconciliation: The African Challenge to Viceregal Supremacy in New Spain, 1608-1609”, in Violet Soen and Yves Junot (eds.), Revolt, Pacification and Reconciliation in the Spanish Habsburg Worlds, Brepols, Turnhout.
- 2023. “ ‘Pagre mio. no lo conoce? Aqueli mancebito, alguacilito, aqueli que le llaman chito’. Estereotipos, prejuicios y percepción de los afromexicanos en Nueva España, 1601-1662”, in Karoline Noack and Ana María Presta (coords.), Repensando la sociedad colonial. Perspectivas, abordajes y desafíos de los enfoques multidisciplinares. Perú y Nueva España, siglos xvi-xviii, Göttingen, V&R unipress GmbH, pp. 137-156.