Vanesa Garbero

François Chevalier Fellow
Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
Processes of signification of spaces of memory: approaches from case studies in Spain and Argentina
Vanesa Garbero is an assistant researcher at the National Council for Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET) and assistant professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences and the Centre for Advanced Studies of the National University of Córdoba in the area of Social Studies of Memory and Heritage. At the same institution, she is the coordinator of the Memory Studies Programme, a pioneering academic space at the local level in this field. She has a Ph.D. in Social Sciences from the University of Buenos Aires and a Master in Sociology from the Centre for Advanced Studies at the National University of Córdoba. Her research has focused on state repression in the province of Córdoba, public policies of memory, spaces of memory and the processes of meaning, use and appropriation of such sites. She has published collective books, chapters and articles on these topics in various national and international journals.
Projet de recherche
Research project
The project proposes to analyse the projects of re-signification of the Valley of Cuelgamuros, until recently known as the Valley of the Fallen, as a space of democratic memory and the meanings given to it by different groups in civil society. The idea is to establish a dialogue between these findings and the Argentinean experience that I have already worked on and analysed in depth, particularly that which refers to the transformation of the former Clandestine Detention, Torture and Extermination Centres in the province of Córdoba into Spaces for Memory and the Promotion of Human Rights. Although the historical experiences, transitions, cultures of memory and ways of dealing with the past have notable differences between the two countries, the discussions around the construction of collective memory in the public space, the memorialist policies that have transformed spaces of violence into spaces of memory, the challenges of what and how to narrate, and intergenerational transmission raise points of dialogue that allow us to illuminate the differences in order to rethink local cases and give rise to mutual learning.
Sélection de publications
Selected publications
- 2023. “Memória e Patrimônio: Debates em torno do ex-Centro Clandestino de Tortura e Extermínio La Perla (Córdoba, Argentina)”, in Mariana Villaça, Natália Ayo Schmiedecke y Tânia da Costa Garcia (coords.), Políticas culturais na América Latina: entre conflitos e Negociações, São Paulo, Editora UNIFESP da Universidade Federal de São Paulo, pp. 61-88.
- 2022. con Daniel Palacios González, “Un monumento doliente: el memorial truncado a las víctimas de la violencia franquista en Madrid (2004-2020)”, Hispania Nova, Revista de historia contemporánea, 20, pp. 555-598.
- 2020. “Usos del pasado: memorias en torno a la ‘Revolución Libertadora’ en una localidad de la provincia de Córdoba, Argentina”, Folia Histórica del Nordeste, 39, pp. 65-90.
- 2020. “La institucionalización de la memoria en el ex Centro Clandestino de Detención La Perla (1983-2007)”, Clepsidra, (7)13, pp. 96-113.
- 2017. “El terrorismo de Estado en Argentina a escala local. Tensiones entre la memoria dominante y memorias locales”, Revista Península, XII, 1, pp. 31-53.