
German Institute for Global and Area Studies

Migrants’ Responses to Violence in Latin America

Ana Isabel, DPhil (Oxon), MPhil(Oxon), is a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Latin American Studies at the German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA) in Hamburg, Germany. Her main research interests are in the fields of political economy and political behaviour.

Current research focuses on the impact of international migration on citizens’ political attitudes and participation in migrant-sending countries. Her work has been published in journals such as Migration Studies, Oxford Development Studies, and Journal of Politics in Latin America.

Her research has been supported by the Gerda Henkel Foundation (Germany), the European Union (Programme Alban), Mexico’s Ministry for Public Education (SEP), Mexico’s National Council of Science and Technology (CONACYT) and Santander-Abbey.

Research project

Extant research shows that both international migration and criminal violence affect citizens’ political preferences and behaviour, and therefore their relationship with the state. Yet, the political responses of international migrants to criminal violence in their homelands remain understudied.

Do remittance-recipients feel more (or less) inclined to demand accountability to authorities through elections when their lives are threatened by everyday violence? Are out-migrants more likely to engage in extraterritorial voting when their homeland is troubled by crime and violence?

This project aims to systematically address these questions. Its findings will allow us to have a more complete picture of the contribution of Latin American migrants to peace building in their homelands. We will also be able to better tease out some of the underlying causes and possible solutions of criminal violence in the region, and therefore help policymakers to think about more effective forms of intervention.

Selected Publications

- López García A.I., Orraca Romano P.P., “International Migration and Universal Healthcare Access: Evidence from Mexico’s Seguro Popular”, Oxford Development Studies, Online first, 2019.

- López García A.I., “Temporary Migration, Economic Remittances and Turnout in Mexico”, Migration Studies, 6/1, 2018, pp. 20–52.

- López García A.I., “Legislative Coalition Size and Anti-Government Protests in Latin America”, Journal of Politics in Latin America, 9/3, 2017, pp. 91-120.

- López García A.I., “After Regime Change: Corporatist Organisations and Political Parties in Mexico”, The Latin Americanist, 61/3, 2017, pp. 309-332.

