Freie Universität Berlin (Germany)
The role of social services on the integration of Latino immigrants in Madrid, Spain and New York, United States.
Marie-Laure Mallet earned her doctorate in Sociology at Paris Sorbonne in 2013, with the highest honours. Her dissertation was a comparative analysis of the relationships amongst Latino communities in Miami, Los Angeles and Boston and their influence on the incorporation of Latino immigrants.
She spent three years (2011-2013) in residence at Harvard University as a Fulbright Grant owner and a postdoctoral researcher. She has won funding from the University of California at Berkeley and Stanford University.
From March 2015 to July 2017, she was a Marie Sk?odowska-Curie Fellow at Freie Universität Berlin, and a Visiting Professor at Stanford University in the sociology Department. Her research interests include Latin American immigrants in the United States and the European Union, as well as racial and ethnic inequality and discrimination in the United States, especially as it pertains to the Latin American diaspora.
Research project
The purpose of this project is to determine the role of the welfare state in the integration of immigrants. The project seeks to understand how immigrants obtain information about, and access to, local and national social assistance programs, how their experiences vary across welfare states and how these experiences can either help or hinder their integration into the host society.
This research is based on an original approach based on in-depth semi-structured interviews with Latino immigrants the United States and Europe.
It offers an innovative perspective by focusing on the experiences of immigrants, and by comparatively examining these experiences with policies put in place by countries offering different social benefits, categorized as different types of welfare states.
Selected Publications
- Mallet M.L., Pinto-Coelho J., “Investigating Intra-Ethnic Divisions Among Latino Immigrants in Miami, Florida”, Latino Studies, Special Issue, Guest Editor: Sarah Mahler, 2018 [].
- Mallet M.L., Calvo R., Waters M.C., “‘I Don’t Belong Anymore’: Undocumented Latino Immigrants Encounter with Social Services in the United States”, Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, August 2017 [].
- Mallet M.L., “La frontière comme symbole de puissance ou de faiblesse ? Le cas de la frontière Mexique-Etats-Unis, au cœur des discours politiques aux Etats-Unis”, Hommes et Migrations, 1304, octobre-décembre 2013 [ php?ID_ARTICLE=HOMI_1304_0085].