Wolfgang BONGERS

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
A Cartography of the “digital” in Ibero-American literature and arts
The set of devices, uses and languages based on digital processes and technologies dominate the modes of production, circulation and reception of cultural artefacts in mediatized societies, and generate unprecedented phenomena in social communication: speed, ubiquity, presentism; hyperproduction of images between reproducibility and programmability; new figures of amateur artists and “prosumer.”
On the other hand, the areas and forms of critical reflection on the contemporary situation of the digital-we understand “contemporary” in line with Agamben’s reflections (2011) on the paradox of this concept-are experiencing a reconfiguration of their instruments, strategies and functions.
How can contemporary digital culture be considered, analyzed and made visible? This cartography proposes to bring together and put into dialogue different philosophical, essay, literary and artistic projects relating to the present digital time in Spain and Latin America.
Research project
Wolfgang Bongers obtained his PhD (summa cum laude) in 1998, from the University of Siegen, Germany, with a thesis on the relations between literature and other media (painting, cinema, photography, music) as transtextual aesthetics in the work of Julio Cortázar. Before this, from 1995 to 1997, he had been a DFG Research Fellow in the “Intermediality” Doctoral programme at University of Siegen, Germany.
From 2001 to 2006, he was the Director of the DAAD Information Centre (German Academic Exchange Service) in Buenos Aires, Argentina and a Visiting Professor at the University of Buenos Aires, Faculty of Philosophy and Arts; and between 2007 and 2008, he also directed the DAAD Information Centre (German Academic Exchange Service), but this time in Santiago, Chile. Since 2009, Wolgang Bongers is an associate Professor at the Faculty of Literature & Arts of the Catholic University of Chile, and since 2017 he is the Director of Research and Graduate Studies at this same Faculty.
Selected Publications
- Bongers W., Interferencias del archivo. Cortes estéticos y políticos en cine y literatura latinoamericanos, Berna-Berlín-Nueva York-Viena, 2016.
- Bongers W., Blanco F., Lazzara M.J. (eds.), Dossier “La performance de los Archivos. Re-imaginando la memoria y la historia en América Latina”, A contracorriente, 12/1, 2014.
- Bongers W., Blanco F., de Toro A., Gatzemeier C. (eds.), Dossier “Archivo y Memoria. Culturas subversivas de la memoria en arte, medios, literatura, ensayo y en la experiencia cotidiana. Latinoamérica 1970–2010”, Chasqui, nº especial 5, 2013.
- Bongers W. (ed.), Prismas del cine latinoamericano, Santiago de Chile, 2012.