
University of Portsmouth (UK)

Everyday ethnicity: Representations of Roma/ Gypsies from childhood to adulthood

Annabel Tremlett earned her PhD from King’s College in London in 2008. Its subject was Representations of Roma: Public discourses and local practices.

Since 2009, she has been a Senior lecturer in social inclusion at the University of Portsmouth, School of Health Sciences and Social Work. Along with being a committed lecturer, she is a qualitative, reflective researcher with a cultural studies/sociological background. She is experienced in ethnographic and visual research approaches.

Her research interests include investigating the differences between public and self-representations of minority or marginalized groups. She is particularly dedicated to challenging misleading representations and has extensive expertise in ethnographic research with Roma minorities in Hungary. She publishes widely in ethnicity and identity themed journals along with specialist books and is currently running the project ‘Visual representations of Roma, moving beyond stereotypes’ (British Academy/Leverhulme SG162343).

Research project

This project aims at completing Annabel Tremlett’s monograph on the representations of Roma (Gypsy) minorities entitled Everyday ethnicity: Representations of Roma/Gypsies from childhood to adulthood. The monograph promises to be a cutting- edge intervention in the way we view Roma minorities in European societies.

Using longitudinal, ethnographic research with a group of Roma young people from Hungary, the monograph breaks free from the usual stigmatising public representations by allowing Roma people themselves to be the image-makers. The research has generated photographs taken by participants themselves along with interviews and observations of their everyday lives in projects spanning 17 years (2000, 2004-5, 2013, 2017), allowing a fascinating insight not just into Roma people’s everyday lives, but also how their lives have transitioned from childhood to adulthood.

They were all children of about 7-8 years of age at the beginning of the research, and are now in their mid-20s, many now bringing up their own children. This research profoundly challenges the traditional views European societies have of Roma minorities.

Selected Publications

- Tremlett A., “The Entertaining Enemy: ‘Gypsy’ in popular culture in an age of securitization”, in The Securitization of the Roma in Europe, London, 2018, pp. 137-156.

- Tremlett A., Harris R., “Beyond the interview: ethnicity/‘race’ in sociological research”, in Ryan L., McKie L. (eds.), An End to the Crisis of Empirical Sociology? Trends and Challenges in Social Research, London, 2016, pp. 136-151.

- Tremlett A., “Demotic or Demonic? Race, class and gender in ‘Gypsy’ reality TV”, The Sociological Review, 62, 2014, pp. 316-334.

- Tremlett A., “‘Here are the Gypsies!’ The importance of self-representations & how to question prominent images of Roma minorities”, Ethnic and Racial Studies, 36/11, 2013, pp. 1706-1725.

