Aude Plagnard


Lucienne Domergue

Paul-Valéry University

Portuguese Epic in the Time of the Philips

After a PhD in Spanish literature from the Sorbonne University, Aude Plagnard isa lecturer in comparative literature at the Université Paul-Valéry de Montpellier since 2016. In line with her doctoral research (awarded by the Chancellerie des Universités de Paris), she studies modern epic in Romance languages, the narration of recent history in prose and verse, and the political implications of historical fiction. In another line of research, she explores the articulation between the literary field common to Spain and Portugal in the modern period and the relations between the two monarchies. Within this framework, she co-directs (with J. Roussiès) the collective project Poligrafaria, dedicated to the figure of the bilingual polygraph Manuel de Faria e Sousa. She also supervises the digital edition of texts related to the polemic about Góngora’s poetry within the framework of the Pólemos project (coord. Mercedes Blanco, OBVIL, Sorbonne Université).

Research project

Aude Plagnard’s project is part of an investigation into the cultural and political relations between Spain and Portugal in the modern age, based on their literary production. She is interested in the paradoxical case of epic production, which has been assigned by critics to a nationalist and colonialist discourse, despite its highly nuanced characters and positions in the Portuguese case between 1580 and 1640. The aim is therefore to depict how the epic constitutes a tool for conceptualising Castilian domination over Portugal in that crucial period and to situate the range of positions held by the authors within the framework of contemporary political literature. This research has the threefold objective of describing this little-known and almost completely unpublished corpus, analysing it through a monographic study, and promoting collective work into these issues.

Selected Publications

2021. “La sátira cervantina de la épica a la luz de las primeras décadas de su historia vernácula”, El cambio de paradigma (1550-1560): hacia la novela moderna, dir. Juan Ramón Múñoz Sánchez, Diablotexto Digital 9, pp. 154-185,


2021. El universo de una polémica. Góngora y la cultura del siglo XVII, coord. Mercedes Blanco y Aude Plagnard, Madrid, Iberoamericana-Vervuert


2019. Une épopée ibérique. Alonso de Ercilla et Jerónimo Corte-Real (1569-1589), Madrid, Casa de Velázquez,


2019. Manuel de Faria e Sousa, Noches claras (fragmentos), ed. Aude Plagnard, Paris, Sorbonne Université –Labex OBVIL,


2017. Literatura áurea ibérica. La construcción de un campo literario peninsular en los siglos XVI y XVII, coord. Aude Plagnard y Jaime Galbarro, e-Spania, núm. 27 [12 artículos],
