François Chevalier fellow
State University of Rio de Janeiro
The intellectual construction of the concept of internal colonialism: circulation of ideas and transnational networks
Breno Bringel has a European PhD from the Complutense University of Madrid, where he was a Lecturer. Since 2011 he has been a researcher and professor of Sociology at the Institute of Social and Political Studies of the Rio de Janeiro State University, where he coordinates the Research Group on Social Theory and Latin America (NETSAL). He has been a visiting professor at more than a dozen universities in Latin America and Europe. He is one of the editors of Revista Dados and founder and editor, with Geoffrey Pleyers, of Open Movements, an Open Democracy Section. He is currently president of the Research Committee on Social Classes and Social Movements (RC-47) of the International Sociological Association - ISA (2018-2022) and director of the Latin American Sociological Association - ALAS (2019-2021). Author of 10 books and a hundred articles on social movements, social theory and Latin American thought, many of which can be downloaded here:
Research project
The concept of internal colonialism is related to a common grammar of "third worldism" and global "liberationism" in its struggle against all forms of exploitation, oppression and dependence in the 1960s. Its genealogy is multiple and it was associated with various social and political movements in both Global North and South. Along with its political use, this project seeks to reconstruct its foundational conceptual itinerary within the Latin American debate. It is suggested that the intellectual construction of the concept of internal colonialism is inseparable from the existence of transnational circulation and research networks attached to the Latin American Center for Social Sciences Research (CLAPCS), created by UNESCO in Rio de Janeiro in 1957. More specifically, the seminal dialogues woven between 1959 and 1965 in CLAPCS by the Mexicans Pablo González Casanova and Rodolfo Stavenhagen and the Brazilian Roberto Cardoso de Oliveira will be examined.
Selected Publications
- Alerta Global: políticas, movimientos sociales y futuros en disputa en tiempos de pandemia. Buenos Aires y Lima: CLACSO y ALAS (edited with Geoffrey Pleyers), 434p. 2020
- “Geopolítica de la pandemia, escalas de la crisis y escenarios en disputa”, Geopolitica(s), v.11, núm. Especial, p.173-187. 2020
- “Movimientos sociales y teoría sociológica en América Latina: conversación con Breno Bringel”, Cuadernos Americanos (UNAM, México), v. 171, p. 109-126 (with Andrés Donoso Romo). 2020
- “Imaginarios sore el desarrollo en América Latina”. In: Pensamiento crítico latinoamericano sobre desarrollo, editado por Tahina Ojeda and María Villareal, Madrid: Catarata, p.55-73 (with Enara Echart Muñoz). 2020
- Critical Geopolitics and Regional (Re)Configurations: Interregionalism and Transnationalism between Latin America and Europe. London: Routledge (Edited with Heriberto Cairo; Foreword by Walter Mignolo), 232p. 2019