Marcel Bataillon fellow
Animal Sacrifices in the Phoenician-Punic Communities of Western Mediterranean. From the Expansion to the Roman Conquest
Bruno D’Andrea’s studies focus on Phoenician and Punic history and archaeology. He favours a multidisciplinary and comparative approach, with a special attention payed to the archaeology of cult, the history of religions, the epigraphic and iconographic studies and the human-animal relations. He holds a PhD in Ancient Near East from the University of Naples L’Orientale (2012). In his dissertation, published in 2014, He studied the topic of Phoenician and Punic tophet-sanctuaries. After his PhD, He worked as postdoctoral fellow at the École Pratique de Hautes Etudes of Paris (2012-2013), at the Laboratories of Excellence RESMED of Paris (2015) and ARCHIMEDE of Montpellier (2016-2017), and at the École francaise of Rome (2017-2020). He participates in international networks, and has published two books and numerous articles. Since 2019, He has been co-leading two projects: the research project “Animal Circulation and Zoogeography in the Ancient Mediterranean”, and the research and formation programme “Archaeology of taste in Phoenician and Punic communities of Western Mediterranean”.
Research project
Bruno D’Andrea’s project aims at investigating animal sacrifices in the Phoenician and Punic religious culture of the western Mediterranean through the examination of evolutions, continuities and ruptures over the long period from the Phoenician expansion in the 9th century BCE to the Roman conquest. The project aims at elucidating the acts, the names, the purposes, the places and the times of these sacrifices. The objective will be achieved by merging archaeological and archaeozoological studies with the analysis of epigraphic, iconographic and literary sources. This multidisciplinary work will be complemented by a comparative approach aimed to consider the Mediterranean as an interconnected area, but also revealing different developments in each region. The project is a prolongation of the post-doctoral research He did at Labex ARCHIMEDE (Montpellier) and École française of Rome. These researches will be broadened and deepened both chronologically (by also dealing with the Roman period) and geographically (by including the Iberian Peninsula and Morocco).
Selected Publications
- Les suidés dans les pratiques alimentaires et rituelles des Phéniciens, Antiquités africaines 55: 29-52, 2019.
- Bambini nel limbo: dati e proposte interpretative sui tofet fenici e punici, Collection de l’École française de Rome 552, École française de Rome, Roma, 2018.
- Il tofet e i santuari di Saturno nell’Africa di età romana: dove, quando e perché, Karthago XXX, 2016-2017: 37-63.
- La guerre et le sanctuaire, la guerre dans le sanctuaire. Traces d’abandon, de destruction et de spoliation dans les aires de culte phéniciennes et puniques en Méditerranée centrale (VIe-IIe siècles av. J.-C.), Guerres et religion dans le monde punique (ed. Tahar, M.), Tunis: 257-296, 2017.
- I tofet del Nord Africa dall’età arcaica all’età romana (VIII sec. a.C. ? II sec. d.C.). Studi archeologici, Collezione di Studi Fenici 45, Fabrizio Serra editore, Pisa-Roma, 2014