Centro de Innovación de los Trabajadores (CITRA)
Keywords: Economic development, industrial policy, poverty, inequality, global value chains
Varieties of industrial policy. Spain and Argentina in a comparative perspective (1940-2015)
Daniel Schteingart (PhD in Sociology) is a postdoctoral researcher at the Centro de Innovación de los Trabajadores (CITRA) in Argentina. His main research interests are in the field of industrial policy, compared economic development, productive structure, poverty, inequality, labor markets and global value chains. His work has been published in journals such as Desarrollo Económico, Asian Journal of Latin American Studies, Apuntes Lima and Revue Interventions Économiques among others. He has also written many chapters in books edited by international organizations such as the International Labor Organisation or the United Nations Development Program. His research has been funded by the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET). He is also a professor at the National University of Quilmes and the National University of San Martín in Argentina.
Research project
Currently, Spain and Argentina are two countries that are very different in their levels of economic development. This is the result of particular historical trajectories that do, however, feature some common points. In the beginning of the 20th century, Argentina was listed among the countries with highest GDP per capita, while Spain was far below advanced nations. For a long part of the last century, both countries adopted state-led industrialization strategies (in Argentina, from 1930 to the mid-70s, while in Spain from the 40s to the 80s), albeit with different results. From the 1950s on, Spanish GDP per capita has grown much faster than the Argentine equivalent. Consequently, Spain exceeded Argentina in the mid-1980s.
Within this context, the main aim of this project is to analyze the links and interactions between industrial policy and the executive power, state bureaucracy, business and organized labor movements in Argentina and Spain between 1940 and 2015. As a general hypothesis Daniel Matías Schteingart will argue, that Spain managed to implement a more consistent and flexible industrial policy, due to a cooperative interaction between political elites, professional bureaucrats, business and the organized labor movement. On the contrary, Argentina could never implement an industrial policy consistent in time, as the relation between political elites, bureaucrats, business and the organized labor movement has tended to be more conflictive and distrustful.
Selected Publications
“Industrial Policy in Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Mexico: a Comparative Approach”, Revue Interventions économiques. Papers in political economy (Canadá), número 59, enero, en coautoría con Juan Santarcángelo y Fernando Porta.,.2018.
“La inserción de Argentina en las cadenas globales de valor”, Asian Journal of Latin American Studies (Corea del Sur), vol. 30, número 3, en coautoría con Juan Santarcángelo y Fernando Porta, 2017.
“Cadenas Globales de Valor: Transformaciones y posibilidades de desarrollo para la periferia desde los 90 a la actualidad”, Apuntes. Revista de Ciencias Sociales (Perú), volumen 81, en coautoría con Juan Santarcángelo y Fernando Porta, 2017.
“Desarrollo económico y cadenas globales de valor: un estudio empírico sobre la innovación, la inversión extranjera directa y las empresas transnacionales”, Desarrollo económico, vol. 59, no. 227 (en prensa), 2019.
“La relación entre el desarrollo, lazos sociales y bienestar subjetivo”, Cuadernos del CIMBAGE, número 20, en coautoría con Martín Trombetta, 2018.