Eugenio Zucchelli

Tomás y Valiente fellow
The intergenerational transmission of risky behaviours
Eugenio Zucchelli is an empirical microeconomist with broad research interests in the economics of health and human capital. He has been a Senior Lecturer in Health Economics at Lancaster University, UK, and a Research Fellow at the Centre for Health Economics at the University of York, UK.
He is an IZA Research Fellow, a Faculty Associate at the Canadian Centre for Health Economics, University of Toronto; an external affiliate to the Health, Econometrics and Data Group, University of York; and a Fellow of the UK Higher Education Academy. Between 2013-16, he was an Advisor for the UK National Institute of Health Research (NIHR) Research Design Service. He has held visiting positions at the University of Barcelona (UB), Carlos III (Madrid), CEMFI (Madrid), Curtin (Perth), Monash (Melbourne) and Toronto (UofT).
He contributed in various capacities (principal investigator and co-investigator) to several externally funded competitive grants awarded among others by the NIHR (UK), ESRC (UK), Comunidad de Madrid and National I+D+i Programmes (Spain). He holds a PhD in Economics awarded by the University of York, UK.
Research project
His Tomás y Valiente project concerns the intergenerational transmission of risky behaviours. The research focuses on the identification of both determinants and mechanisms triggering the transmission processes of three different behaviours: criminal behaviour; consumption of addictive substances such as tobacco, alcohol and illicit drugs; and obesity.
The project centres on three interrelated pieces of empirical work and employs state-of-the-art econometric methods applied on multiple panel datasets, including the US National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health and the National Income Dynamics Study of South Africa. This study exploits exploit innovative causal mediation analysis methods to explore causal mechanisms within the intergenerational transmission of risky behaviours. His broader research interests include the economics of addiction; the economics of ageing; the socioeconomic causes and consequences of mental health; and the relationship between health and labour supply.
Selected Publications
- 2020. Harris, M., Zhao, X., Zucchelli, E., “Ageing workforces, ill-health and multi-state labour market transitions”, forthcoming at Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics. DOI: 10.1111/obes.12379.
- 2019. Gil, J., Li Donni, P., Zucchelli, E., “Uncontrolled diabetes and health care utilisation: a bivariate Latent Markov model approach”, Health Economics, 28 (11), 1262-1276.
- 2019. Jones, A. M., Laporte, A., Rice, N., Zucchelli, E., “Dynamic panel data estimation of an integrated Grossman and Becker-Murphy model of health and addiction”, Empirical Economics, 56, 703-733. DOI: 10.1007/s00181-017-1367-6.