Françoise Plateaux ép. Des Boscs


Fellow Lucienne Domergue

Françoise des Boscs has a degree in History and was a member of the Casa de Velázquez (1993-1995). She completed her thesis in Roman History at the Université Bordeaux-Montaigne (1996), focusing on the integration of Hispanic elites into the ruling circles of the Roman State at the end of the Republic and during the High Empire. She was a lecturer at the University of Bordeaux until 2007, when she moved to the University of Pau and the Pays de l'Adour. During this time, she has developed her research on Hispanic elites, focusing in particular on the economic aspect and on amphoric material as a source for the study of family trajectories. She has also developed a collective research programme, financed by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche, on the Strait of Gibraltar in ancient and medieval times.

As part of this programme, she directed one of the three lines of research on the representations and perceptions of the Strait, participated in the line on "Circulation" and wrote a popular book on this region. It is this research which has led her to reflect on the port issues which are the subject of the research programme to be carried out within the framework of the MIAS. Within the framework of the IRAA laboratory (UAR 3155 of the CNRS), of which she has been a member since 2015, she has also developed a research programme on the links between "Evergetism and architecture".



Research project

This project is part of an ongoing study of exchange and circulation networks, of which ports are one of the main vectors. The aim is to examine how the conquest of the South Atlantic by Rome, and the progressive organisation and development of the territories that accompanied it, modified both the development and use of this coastline and the exchange networks of which it may have been both the site and the vector. The study will be based first of all on a catalogue of ports, of which there are currently about sixty, from Sala in Tingitania to Irún, and on a corpus of merchants and foreigners found in these places, based on epigraphic data. The aim of this visit is to produce a synthesis organised around three themes:

- Ancient maritime landscapes and port settlements.

- The physiognomy and organisation of inland port establishments, based on the information found.

- On a regional scale, to better understand the links between the location of these ports, the river network, the organisation of the road network, the resources and forms of development of the hinterland in question and trade flows. The aim would be to establish a typology of port networks.



Selected Publications

 - 2022. Evergétisme et architectures dans le monde romain (IIè s. av. J.-C.-Vè s. ap. J.-C.), (dir. F. des Boscs), Pau.

 - 2019. Le détroit de Gibraltar (Antiquité)-Moyen-Age) I. Représentations, perceptions, imaginaires, Etudes réunies par Françoise des Boscs, Yann Dejugnat et Arthur Haushalter, Collection de la Casa de Velázquez, n.° 174, Madrid.

 - 2019. "Épigraphie des amphores de la Bétique et épigraphie lapidaire. L’apport d’une approche croisée à l’histoire socio-économique des élites: le dossier des Stertinii et des Ocratii de Volubilis", REA, 121, n.° 2, pp. 357-387.

 - 2016. "Le système portuaire fluvio-lagunaire de la vallée du Bétis: réflexions sur son organisation et son évolution de la fin de la République à la fin du Haut-Empire", dans Les ports dans l’espace méditerranéen antique, Narbonne et les systèmes portuaires fluvio-lagunaires, Actes du colloque international Montpellier (22-23 mai 2014), textes réunis sous la direction de C. Sanchez et M.-P. Jézégou, Revue Archéologique de Narbonnaise, Supplément 44, Montpellier, pp. 157-172.

 - 2014. "L'apport de l'épigraphie à notre connaissance du 'système portuaire' de la moyenne vallée du Baetis (Guadalquivir) sous le Haut-Empire", dans Epigrahia dei porti, Atti della XVIIème rencontre sur l'épigraphie du monde romain (Aquileia, 14-16 ottobre 2010), a cura di Claudio Zaccaria, Trieste, pp. 227-247.

 - 2005. Un parti hispanique à Rome? Ascension des élites hispaniques et pouvoir politique d'Auguste à Hadrien (27 av. J.-C.- 138 ap. J.-C.), Bibliothèque de la Casa de Velázquez, n.° 32, Madrid, 763 pages.
