Germán Jiménez Montes


François Chevalier

University of Groningen

Belonging to the Sea: Integration and Identity of Northern European Shipmasters in Modern Andalusia

Germán Jiménez Montes (1991) obtained his PhD in history at the University of Groningen in 2020, with the dissertation A Dissimulated Trade: Flamencos and the Trade of North European Timber in Seville (1574-1598). He studied History at the University of Seville (2009-2013) and the University of Ghent (2012-2013), and graduated with honours in the Master of Estudios Históricos Avanzados at the University of Seville (2013-2014). He has lectured at the University of Groningen in the period 2018-2020. His research explores trade and migration in the early modern period, with a focus on the role of western Andalusia in the Atlantic world. He is the author of several works on the trade between Seville and northern Europe in the late sixteenth century.

Research project

This project examines how foreign shipmasters negotiated their identities with local and royal institutions in late-sixteenth-century Seville, which at the time was the economic capital of Spain’s maritime empire. The research has two main objectives. Firstly, it analyses the integration of foreign shipmasters into the Andalusian economy and their participation in local and royal institutions in Spain. Secondly, it examines to what extent shipmasters strengthened their foreign identity or, alternatively, concealed it when dealing with Spanish institutions. This project, in short, seeks to shed light on the strategies developed by foreigners to integrate into the Spanish maritime empire, as well as the emergence of categories of belonging and foreign identities in early modern Spain.


Selected Publications

Forthcoming. A Dissimulated Trade: Northern European Timber Merchants, Leiden; Boston, Brill.


Forthcoming. “Trade and traders of north European timber and other naval provisions in 16th -century Seville” in Ana Crespo Solana, Luis F. Monteiro Vieira de Castro and Nigel Nayling (eds.), Heritage and the Sea: Maritime History and Archaeology of the Global Iberian World (15th-18th centuries), Springer, Cham.


2020. “Sepan quantos esta carta vieren: Poderes notariales y comercio transnacional en Sevilla, 1570-1600”, Studia Historica: Historia Moderna, 42 n.1, pp. 39-64.


2016. “Sevilla, puerto y puerta de Europa: La actividad de una compañía comercial flamenca en la segunda mitad del siglo XVI”, Studia Historica: Historia Moderna, 38 n. 2, pp. 353-386.
