Gonzalo SOZZO

Instituto de Estudios Avanzados del Litoral
Keywords: Ecological rule of law, Environmental constitutionalism, Good Living, Long lasting development, Greening private law
A global ecologial rule of law for the antropocene - The contribution of South America: from “good living” and “long-lasting development” to the new rule of law for the anthropocene
In the past, Gonzalo Sozzo was responsible for the research area in the Law and Social Sciences Faculty of the UNL (2005- 2014) and was director of the Law and Social Sciences Faculty Research Center (2014-2017). Currently, he is the director of the Littoral Institute for Advanced Studies (IEA Litoral) (2018-2014); since 2017 he is a researcher member of the IHUCSO-Universidad Nacional del Litoral (UNL)-CONICET. He also is director and researcher for the project entitled “The governance of environmental global change and development: case studies in Santa Fe Province” (funded by UNL, 2017/2020) and director of the research project “Building a legal and institutional design for the local governance of climate change in Santa Fe Province”, founded by MCyTIP of the Santa Fe Province (2018-2019). He also participates as a research member in the project « Dix ans de QPC en matière d’environnement : quelle (r)évolution ? », at the Université de Limoges, France, founded by the Conseil Constitutionnel (2019-2020).
Research project
This research is centered in the study of (a) the process of emergence currently underway of what we could provisionally call a global law focused on the protection of the integrity of ecosystems and (b) the contemporary contribution of South America to the creation of this "global ecological rule of law". Sozzo considers that this contribution is the key to understanding the process, since South America’s ecological paradigm is –despite its implementation problems– one of the most powerful attempts to redirect the aims of sustainable development towards a new and more holistic view. A view that is ready to assume the challenges of the Anthropocene and to definitely help shift human societies to more long lasting and harmonic ways of life and relationship with nature. What he proposes in this research is a discussion about the meaning that the emerging "global ecological rule of law" is taking -and could take-, viewed from the constitutionalism of a region -South America- in the global south, and about South America’s contribution to this construction.
Selected Publications
GONZALO SOZZO, (co-director -with M. Prieur- and author), “No regression en droit de environnement”; Ed. Bruyland, Bélgica, 2012.
SOZZO GONZALO, “Los nuevos modelos constitucionales alternativos al desarrollo en américa del sur (buen vivir y desarrollo perdurable en la arena del derecho)”, Revista derecho Ambiental, Abeledo Perrot, Bs As., Arg., 2014.
GONZALO SOZZO, (director-author), «Making Law (reconstructions of de relationships between law and social sciences) », Ed.: Eds. Universidad Nacional del Litoral, 2016.
GONZALO SOZZO, “La protección del consumidor a través del principio de precaución, (Una descripción del estado del arte y perspectivas en Argentina)”, en Revista Direito do consumidor, Ed.: Revista Dos Tribunais, Brazil, v. 26, n. 112, p. 19-57, jul./ago. 2017.
GONZALO SOZZO, (author), «Environmental private law: the ecological turn of private law”, Ed: Rubinzal Culzoni, Argentina (forthcoming, september 2019).