Guadalupe Pinzón Ríos


François Chevalier fellow

Guadalupe Pinzón Ríos holds a PhD in History from the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, where she is now a researcher at the Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas. She is also a lecturer in the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters at the same university.

She has been interested in the study of the history of navigation, ports, maritime workers, cultural exchanges, and maritime landscapes around the Pacific, mainly to and from New Spain. She has received grants such as the "Short term fellowship" at the John Carter Brown Library (2013), as well as visiting fellowships at the Centre de Recherche Bretonne et Celtique of the Université de Bretagne Occidentale (2015) and the University of Salamanca (2019). She also collaborates in research groups such as "Conexa Mundi" and the Geompam network, as well as coordinating various collective projects such as "Maritime Culture in Mexico" or "American Pacific Islands: articulating spaces in the maritime networks of modern times".



Research project

Within the framework of the new humanist discussions that exist about maritime spaces, this project seeks to rethink how these are social and historical scenarios with their own processes that have changed over time. Although physically it may be thought that maritime spaces have changed little, the relevance of this proposal is to show that these changes can actually be seen historically and socially through descriptions, records, cartography and official projects that refer to them at different times or with different intentions. The example that will allow us to show the above is the case of the North Pacific throughout the 18th century, since it was in that period when this space became increasingly internationalised, and from being considered a peripheral area it became a central and geostrategic region that allowed for increased links between Asia and America. The role of New Spain in these processes will be highlighted.



Selected Publications

 - 2022. “Faenas marítimas y construcción naval en Guatemala. Un acercamiento a partir del caso del galeón Nuestra Señora de la Victoria (1657)”, Revista Trabajos y Comunicaciones, n.º 55, pp. 1-14.

 - 2021. “De evento internacional a ilegalidades locales. La expedición de John Clipperton y su presencia en las costas de la Nueva España (1714)”, Tiempos modernos, n.º 42, pp. 359-375.

 - 2021. “Historia marítima desde la perspectiva de la historia global y de interconexiones”, en María del Pilar Martínez López-Cano (coord.), Enfoques y perspectivas para la Historia de Nueva España, México, UNAM, IIH, pp. 204-227.

 - 2021. Cabotajes novohispanos. Espacios y contactos marítimos en torno a Nueva España, México, UNAM, IIH.

 - 2020. Dossier “Conexiones filipinas: La afluencia de rutas marítimas en torno a un archipiélago (siglos XVI-XVIII)”, Vegueta. Anuario de la Facultad de Geografía e Historia, n.º 20.
