Jimena Tcherbbis Testa


François Chevalier Fellow

Jimena Tcherbbis Testa (1989) holds a PhD in History from the Universidad Torcuato di Tella and is a Professor of History at the Universidad de Buenos Aires. She is currently working as a professor and postdoctoral researcher at the Universidad Torcuato di Tella. She has received a scholarship for her postgraduate studies from the Universidad Torcuato di Tella and has received doctoral and postdoctoral fellowships from the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Her research was also supported by the Slicher van Bath de Jong Foundation, the Casa de Velázquez and the Latin American Studies Association. Her research analyses the link between liberalism, republicanism and religion in Latin America between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries from a comparative perspective with an eye to transatlantic connections. Her doctoral thesis received the Best Doctoral Thesis in History Award 2018-2019 from the Argentine Association of Researchers in History. She is the author of the book La causa de la libertad. Cómo nace la política moderna en tensión con el poder de la Iglesia (Siglo XXI Editores, 2023).



Research project

The project explores the relationship between religion, liberalism and democracy in the construction of citizenship in the republics of Chile, Argentina and Uruguay from 1870 to 1948 in a connected key and from a transatlantic perspective, paying attention to the role of the religious factor in the link with Spain.

The time frame begins with the transnationalisation of the Roman Church following the First Vatican Council and concludes with the universalisation of human rights. In the early 1870s, Chile and Uruguay were defined as Catholic unitary republics, while Argentina was a federal republic committed to supporting Catholic worship in a context of religious freedom. Unlike Argentina, Uruguay (1917-1919) and Chile (1925) sanctioned the separation of state and church. We will analyse how the republics redefined their relationship with religion in a period that began with the experimentation of liberal projects, continued with growing democratisation and culminated in the crisis of the tried and tested syntheses. One of the hypotheses argues that the Uruguayan secularisation process became a point of reference for the region in contrast to Spain.



Selected Publications

- 2023. La causa de la libertad. Cómo nace la política moderna en tensión con el poder de la Iglesia, Buenos Aires, Siglo XXI Editores Argentina.

- 2022. “Liberalismo, republicanismo y religión. Francisco de Paula González Vigil ante la Inquisición de Roma (1850-1860)”, Revista de Indias, vol. LXXXII, núm. 286, pp. 735-768.

- 2021. “Religión y libertad: la Inquisición romana, la cuestión Mortara y el debate sobre los derechos naturales en la prensa española (1858-1860)”, Miscelánea de Estudios Árabes y Hebraicos-Sección Hebreo, vol. 70, pp. 119-143.

- 2021. “Entre la memoria y la historia: los centenarios de la abolición de la Inquisición española en la encrucijada de la Monarquía y la República”, Hispania Sacra LXXIII, 147, pp. 235-248.

- 2019. “Imaginar un nuevo orden político: la crítica liberal a la Inquisición española en la prensa de Lima y Buenos Aires durante las Cortes de Cádiz (1810-1814)”, Boletín del Instituto de Historia Argentina y Americana “Dr. Emilio Ravignani”, núm. 50, pp. 52-97.
