María Carolina RIVET

CONICET (Argentina)
Circulation, appropriation and re-signi? cation of Christian practices and concepts in the South Andean colonial frameworks (XVI-XVIII centuries)
María Carolina Rivet earned her Doctorate in Archaeology in 2013 from the University of Buenos Aires. In 2014, she was accepted for a Postdoctoral Fellowship at the National Council for Scientific and Technical Research, CONICET.
Since 2016, María Carolina Rivet has been an Assistant Researcher at the National Council of Scientific and Technical Research, CONICET, in Argentina.
Between April 2015 and July 2015, she realized a research stay at the Institute of Archaeology at the University College, in London.
Research project
This project is part of the discussions on the issues of the evangelization processes of the colonial Andean societies. The conversion to Christianity of these populations was one of the central objectives of the colonial project and involved the implementation of various actions over time. Current research allows us to affirm that the evangelisation of America was far from being a univocal and homogeneous process.
On the contrary, it had a complex and changing character, with the participation of a dense network of actors, both Spanish and indigenous, who brought into play their own agencies, materiality and social and cultural trajectories. Knowing the processes of evangelisation is central in order to understand the changes in spatial meanings, and in past and present local logics.
Continuities, ruptures and re-elaborations can only be fully understood if we know both logics: the pre-Hispanic and the Christian logics that are moved and implanted in America.
Selected Publications
- Tomasi J., Rivet M.C. (coord.), Puna y Arquitectura. Las Formas Locales de la Construcción, Buenos Aires, 2011.
- Rivet M.C., “Spatial confi guration in the Late Period in the area of Coranzuli (province of Jujuy, Argentina)”, in Alvarez Larrain A., Greco C. (eds.), Political Landscapes of the Late Intermediate Period in the South-Central Andes, 2018, Cham, pp. 219-246.
- Rivet M.C., “Building techniques during the Late Intermediate Period. The case of the chullpa structures in Coranzulí (Jujuy, Argentina)”, in: Sillar B., Siveroni, V., Fuentes M. (eds), Conceptualising Materials and Techniques: Technology and the Making of Andean Societies, vol. 1, London, 2017.