
Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina)

An unpublished work from the 13th century in Spain: Liber Ihesu by Juan Gil de Zamora

Between 1998 and 2008, Olga Soledad Bohdziewicz was a Professor in Literature specializing in Classical Literature (Diploma of Honor) at the Faculty of Philosophy and Literature at the University of Buenos Aires. She obtained her Doctorate in Literature in 2014 by the Faculty of Philosophy and Literature at the University of Buenos Aires with the thesis “Una contribución al estudio de la prosa latina en la Castilla del siglo XIII: Edición crítica y estudio del Liber Mariae de Juan Gil de Zamora”.

Since 2016, she has been an Assistant Researcher at the National Council of Scientific and Technological Research (CONICET), and has worked at the Institute of Bibliographic Research and Textual Criticism “Germán Orduna” (IIBICRIT). Since 2018, she has also been the Head of Practical Works of the Latin Language and Culture I and II and Postclassic Latin chairs at the Faculty of Philosophy and Literature at the University of Buenos Aires.

Research project

The research project proposes to develop the edition and study of this little-known work of the Franciscan polygraph. Throughout the thirteen treatises of the Liber Ihesu, Juan Gil selects, cuts and gives a new order to texts of various authorities in Christological matters: from the Sacred Scriptures and New Testament apocrypha, through to texts of the Fathers of the Church, and contemporary compilations, such as those of Jacobo de Varazze or Vicente de Beauvais, from which he extracts portions of texts of his interest and adapts them to a renewed structure.

Until today, and mainly due to the lack of a critical edition, the Liber Ihesu has not been an object of research itself. It is our objective to fill this gap, promoting a better knowledge of this work by Juan Gil de Zamora, as well as contributing to a better understanding of its textual corpus and the Latin Hispanic literature of the late Middle Ages.

Selected Publications

- Buffon V., Cervera Novo V., Fernández Walker G., Philosophia Artistarum. Discusiones filosóficas de los maestros de artes de París, Santa Fe, 2017.

- Bohdziewicz O.S., Neyra A.V., Autoridad, identidad y conflicto en la Tardoantigüedad y la Edad Media. Construcciones y proyecciones, Mar del Plata, 2018.

- Bohdziewicz O.S., “Una aproximación a la recepción de la Vida de Juan el Limosnero de Leoncio de Neápolis en la Edad Media latina”, en Neyra A.V., Bohdziewicz O.S. (ed.), Autoridad, identidad y conflicto en la Tardoantigüedad y la Edad Media. Construcciones y proyecciones, Mar del Plata, 2018, pp. 156-180.

