Pablo Hernández Sau


Marcel Bataillon Junior

University of Manchester

MIS_MOVILIDADES. Experiences of mobility on a fluid frontier, the 'Hispanic' Mississippi (1762-1802)

Pablo Hernández Sau is a global historian working on eighteenth-century Iberia(s). He got his P.h.D from the European University Institute (Florence, Italy), and he worked as a Research Associated at the University of Manchester.  Before, he was fellow at John Carter Brown library (Providence, USA), and visiting doctoral researcher at the Leibniz institute for European history (Mainz, Germany). During his PhD time, he developed a study on the mobility of the Bouligny family, looking to understand how globalization was ancored in Bourbon Spanish Empire. This research was a global microhistory study focused on a specific family of French retailers settled in Alicante, who spread around the world during the second half of the eighteenth century.  His major interests are global-local dichotomy; spatiality; mobility; the role of institutions at the Bourbon Spanish Empire; and the parallels between the Iberian empires. In line with, he is interested on developing global comparative studies on Iberian empires, state-building, mobility, and globalization during the long-eighteenth century, i.e. 1640s until 1820s.

Research project

When Spaniards took over the Louisiana, in the aftermath of the Seven Year’s War, the region of the Mississippi Basin was a little-known frontier space for them. However, for Amerindians, Frenchmen, and Britons, it had long been a site of inter-imperial encounter and confrontation. During the fifty years it spent under Spanish rule (1762-1802), the territory articulated by the Mississippi river continued to be a borderland shaped by multiple experiences of mobility, including those of Afro-descendants, Amerindians, intruding British settlers, French colonist who had accepted Spanish rule, and displaced Acadians and exiles from Saint Domingue and the British North American colonies following their respective revolutions. Yet, most studies of these experiences have so far focused on individual groups and paid only limited attention to how differences in class, occupation, gender, and race affected individuals. This research project studies experiences of mobility on the west bank of the Mississippi river under Spanish rule, using an intersectional perspective.

Selected Publications

2018. “Dádivas al estilo oriental. Prácticas de (re)conocimiento político en el Estambul del último cuarto del siglo XVIII”, Chronica Nova. Nº44, Pp. 115 – 145.


2017.“Bouligny’s Family Network: Between the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean (1700-1780)” in Manuel Herrero & Klemens Kaps (eds) Merchants and Trade Networks in the Atlantic and the Mediterranean, 1550-1800: Connectors of Commercial Maritime Systems. London, New York; Routledge, Pp. 198 – 215.


2016. “Gifts across the Mediterranean Sea. The 1784 Spanish Gift-Embassy to Constantinople and its Cross-Cultural Diplomatic Practice” in Diana Carrió-Ivernizzi (ed.) Embajadores culturales. Transferencias y lealtades de la diplomacia española de la edad moderna. Madrid, UNED, Pp. 107 – 135.
