Keywords: Hispanoamericanismo, Panamericanismo, Latinoamericanismo, Intelectuales, Vida cultural
The international congresses of americanists between 1875-1910 - Scenarios, identity tensions, and cultural articulators
Paula Bruno (Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1975) holds a PhD in History from the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the University of Buenos Aires and a Professorship in Middle and Higher Education in History from the same faculty. She also holds a Master of Historical Research from the University of San Andrés.
Paula Bruno is currently a researcher at the Argentinian National Council of Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET). She directs the Torcuato Di Tella University (UTDT) Department of Historical and Social Studies, where she is an Associate Professor. She is a founder and Academic Director of the Biographical Studies Network of Latin America (REBAL).
She has been a visiting researcher in many institutions and has received individual scholarships and funding to develop individual and group research projects of different state agencies, foundations and R&D centers from different countries, such as Argentina, United States of America, Mexico, Italy, Germany, France.
Research project
The International Congresses of Americanists, which are still being organized, began in 1875. They are events where researchers and experts from all over the world discuss issues related to Americanism, which, for the majority of the time and in almost all expressions, is understood as either Latin Americanism, Hispanic Americanism or Ibero-Americanism.
This project intends to study the first congresses, held between 1875 and 1910, as a privileged scenario to account for some identity tensions manifested in these congresses, and how some of the participants were cultural articulators within their framework. In fact, in these congresses, notions like Latin America, Latinity, Hispanism, Ibero-Americanism and Latin Americanism were proposed as identities in tension, represented by the voice of intellectuals and experts from different latitudes -France, Spain, Latin America- that assumed their own dynamics.
The project’s hypothesis is that, at the beginning, in these congresses, besides defining some disciplinary issues, other aspects of identity were settled, accompanying the climate of the times when relations between nations within the American continent and with Europe -particularly with Spain and France- were changing swiftly.
Selected Publications
2018, Martin García Mérou. Vida intelectual y diplomática en las Américas, Bernal, Editorial de la Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, 216 páginas (incluye selección de textos), Colección La Ideología Argentina y Latinoamericana. Director de colección: Jorge Myers, ISBN: 978-987-558-534-8, más información aquí
2018, “Un momento latinoamericano. Voces intelectuales entre la I Conferencia Panamericana y la Gran Guerra” en Archilés, Ferran y Fuentes, Maximiliano (eds.), Ideas comprometidas. Los intelectuales y la política, Madrid, Akal, Colección Reverso, pp. 57-77, ISBN: 978-84-460-4573-1
2013, “Estados Unidos como caleidoscopio. Ensayo sobre las observaciones de viajeros y diplomáticos del fin de siglo”, Revista Complutense de Historia de América, vol. 39, pp. 23-38, ISSN: 1132-8312
2011, Pioneros culturales de la Argentina. Biografías de una época, 1860-1910, Buenos Aires, Siglo XXI Editores, 239 páginas, Colección Metamorfosis. Director de colección: Carlos Altamirano, obtuvo el Premio Especial “Eduardo Mallea” (ex-Premio Municipal CABA), ISBN: 978-987-629-183-5, más información aquí
2005, Paul Groussac. Un estratega intelectual, Buenos Aires, Fondo de Cultura Económica/UdeSA, 262 páginas, obtuvo el Premio Pensamiento de América “Leopoldo Zea. Edición 2005-2007, ISBN: 950-557-628-5, más información aquí