Romina Zamora

Catholic oeconomy. The political economy genesis in the Hispanic territory.
Romina Zamora earned her first PhD in History at Universidad Nacional de La Plata in 2009 with a thesis about the social construction of territoriality, sociability and power spheres in the south-Andean city of Tucumán during the 18th century, and her second PhD at Universidad Pablo de Olavide, in 2015.
Since 2012, she is a researcher at the Higher Institute of Social Studies / CONICET-UNT. Since 2010 she has been incorporated into the Law History Research Institute, and since 2016, at the International Institute of Indian Law History.
She has been a postdoctoral research at UPO in 2015, and more recently, in 2018, she was a guest researcher at Max-Planck-Institut für europäische Rechtsgeschichte in Frankfurt.
The main areas of her research activity are integrated into the historiographic traditions of social history, historical anthropology and the critical history of law, for the study of specific issues related to the local space, identifying the relations derived from the Hispanic and Spanish-American Catholic Oeconomy during the modern centuries.
She is now teaching Colonial Latin American History at the University of Tucumán.
Research project
The concept of economy has changed its meaning over time, becoming something very different from what it was in its origins. As regard as the old oeconomy, with its burden of family and Catholic discipline, it helps to explain the relations of obedience and subordination within the family, which moved without solution of continuity to the representative system, where only the father of the family was the head of the domestic community and the one in charge of guaranteeing governability
To achieve a complete understanding of the mentality of the modern centuries in which contemporary constitutionalism is served, we must identify the peculiarities of the Hispanic oeconomy. The aim of this project is the identification of the Hispanic American oeconomy literature produced from 1570 to 1820, from earlier domestic oeconomy manuals and literature for parents, through scholastic debates and the treatises of arbitrism and good governance, as well as discussions about personal service and the freedom of the Indians, to arrive to proposals of nineteenth-century political economy treaties.
Selected Publications
Zamora, R., “Tradiciones jurídicas y pervivencias oeconomicas en la genealogía constitucional. El caso de Tucumán en 1820”, Derecho PUCP, vol. 82, 2019.
Zamora, R., Casa Poblada y Buen Gobierno. Oeconomia católica y servicio personal en San Miguel de Tucumán, siglo XVIII, Prometeo Editorial, 2017.
Zamora, R., “Oeconomia católica y servicio personal de los indios en el Tucumán en los siglos XVI y XVII”, Crónica jurídica hispalense, n° 13, 2015.
Zamora, R., “Sobre la función de policía y el orden económico en San Miguel de Tucumán a fines del siglo XVIII. De presuntos delincuentes, acaparadores y monopolistas”, Historia y Memoria n°8, 2014.
Zamora, R., “La oeconomica y su proyección para el justo gobierno de la república. San Miguel de Tucumán durante el siglo XVIII”, Revista de Historia del Derecho nº 44, 2012.