Verónica Hendel

François Chevalier
Luján National University
Counter Geographies of Mobility and Borders. Latin-American Young Migrants’ urban experience in Argentina and Spain
Verónica Hendel is a researcher at the National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET). With a degree in Sociology and a PhD in Social Sciences she also works as a Professor at Luján National University and Buenos Aires University in Argentina. Her current ethnographic research and writing explores the dynamics of Latin-American migration among young people linked to the government of human mobilities and the production of territories, borders and identities in educational and communitarian contexts. She is particularly interested in young migrants’ experience of urban space and uses collective mapping and narrative cartographies as a critical approach to these dynamics. In 2011, she was awarded an AUIP scholarship and she participated as a Fellow at the 2019 Summer School organized by the Institute for Critical Social Inquiry (New School for Social Research). She is currently part of three collective research projects and participates in national and international research networks. She has participated actively in the design, implementation and analysis of the First National Migrant Survey in Argentina (2020).
Research project
Considering the contemporary trends of international migration in Europe and Latin America, as well as the reinforcement and multiplication of borders, this project proposes a comparative, cross-country and multi-scope analysis of policy and practice related to migration mapping between Europe and Latin America, taking Spain and Argentina as case studies. We will give evidence on a) the main country-differences regarding the ways in which migration and mobility are conceived and represented in maps and cartographic devices produced by official and private agents; b) the nature, and characteristics of the ways in which organizations working directly with young migrants conceive and represent migration and mobility; c) the impacts of the experience of discrimination and racism in urban contexts for the life trajectories of young migrants. The research uses a mix-method methodology, combining complementary research strategies such as policy and institutional analysis, organisational case studies, collective mapping and life stories.
Selected Publications
2021. “Along the Rural and the Urban. Experiences of Territorial Mobility from a Historical Perspective (Argentina, 1930-2010)”, Revista Transporte y Territorio, 24, pp. 149-171.
2020. “Cartographies of Danger. Displacement, migration, borders and violence from the experience of young people in a neighborhood of Greater Buenos Aires (Argentina)”. Historia y Sociedad, 39, 184-212.
2020. “Youth, Migration and Everyday Life. Senses and appropriations of secondary school in the Buenos Aires suburbs (Argentina)”, PÉRIPLOS. Revista de Pesquisa sobre Migrações, 4, pp. 67-95.
2019. “Migration, school and territory. Experiences of the space left and the inhabited space in community and school contexts” (co-author: Gabriela Novaro), Revista IICE, 45, pp. 57-76.
2018. “Roots in the Air. Rural Social Spaces and Mobilities in Contemporary Buenos Aires Pampas Region”, Kult-ur. Revista Interdisciplinaria sobre la Cultura de la Ciutat, 5, pp. 35-56.