Wai-yip Ho

François Chevalier
Education University of Hong Kong
Imagination of Chinese Muslim on Al-Andalus
Wai-yip Ho is the Correspondent Fellow of Nantes Institutes for Advanced Study; Honorary Research Fellow at the Institute of Arab & Islamic Studies, University of Exeter. He is Foundation Member, China Advisory Team, Christian-Muslim Relations; A Bibliographical History 1500-1900 (Brill) and the author of Islam and China’s Hong Kong: Ethnic Identity, Muslim Networks and the new Silk Road (Routledge: London, 2015, paperback). He was the Marie Curie Fellow of the European Union at Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS); Visiting Fellow at Karl Jaspers Centre for Advanced Transcultural Studies, University of Heidelberg; Sir Edward Youde Fellow; Visiting Scholar at Centre for Muslim-Christian Studies at Oxford and Visiting Research Fellow in Zentrum Moderner Orient (ZMO) at Berlin, etc. His research interests include Islamic Studies, China’s Christian-Muslim relations, New Media and China’s Islam, Gulf-China relations and contemporary Muslim youths in Chinese context.
Research project
During the Ming and Qing Dynasties of Imperial China, Muslim Chinese scholars translated and transmitted Islamic thought from Persian-Arabian texts to Chinese readership through the intellectual framework and vocabularies of Confucian Chinese tradition. This intellectual thought in Islamic literature was called Han Kitab (Sino-Islamic texts) and those thinkers are known as Confucian Muslims (Hurui). Through this new perspective of Islamic-Confucianism, I propose to carry out a pioneering research project to investigate how leading Confucian Muslims (Hurui) responded, interpreted, and criticized Christian doctrines in the writings of Han Kitab. By selectively translating and analysing Sino-Islamic texts in dialogue with Christianity, this research project attempts to retrieve Muslim Chinese scholars’ responses towards Christian missionaries and the Christian doctrines. Through translating and analysing Han-Kitab, this research project aims at reconstructing the formative encounters and characteristics of Confucian Muslim-Christian relations in the context of Sino-Islamic intellectual tradition.
Selected Publications
Ho, W-Y. 2021. “Reporting Religions with Chinese Characteristics: Sinicizing Religious Faith, Securitizing News Media” in Kerstin Radde-Antweiler and Xenia Zeiler (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Religion and Journalism,. London: Routledge, pp. 311-322.
Ho, W-Y. 2017. “From Neglected Problem to Flourishing Field: Recent Developments of Research on Muslims and Islam in China”, in André Laliberté and Stefania Travagnin (eds.), Concepts and Methods For the Study of Chinese Religions I: State of the Field and Disciplinary Approaches, Berlin: De Gruyte, pp. 93-114.
Ho, W-Y. 2015. “On M. Broomhall’s Pioneer Study of Islam in Modern China” in Chang-kuan Lin (ed.), Localizing of Islam in China, Hong Kong: The Research Institute of the Humanities, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, pp. 171-179.
Ho, W-Y. 2010. “Samuel Zwemer in China: Explorations of China’s Early Christian-Muslim Encounters in the Modern Period”, in Lau Yee-cheung and Eppie Y. Wong (eds.), A Cordial Divergence: Christianity-Islam Dialogue in China and Its Development, Hong Kong: Alliance Bible Seminary, pp 87-102.