Ana María Lopez


François Chevalier Fellow

Universidad de Antioquia

Affective Turn in Colombian Documentary Cinema 2003-2023



Doctor in Latin American Studies from the University of Paris-Sorbonne and the University  of Chile. In 2008, she was awarded a CONICYT scholarship by Chile for doctoral studies for  Latin Americans. From 2014 to 2021, she served as a Full Professor at the Pontifical  Bolivarian University, where she created the Master's program in Documentary Film and  conducted research on documentary cinema in Colombia and Latin America. In 2021, she  won a public merit competition held by the University of Antioquia, through which she  joined as an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Communications and Philology. She is  currently involved in the Audiovisual and Multimedia Communication program and the  Master's in Creation and Audiovisual Studies.

She has made significant contributions to the field through her active participation as  President of the Board of Directors of the Corporation of Documentary Filmmakers ALADOS  Colombia from 2021 to 2024. She has worked on designing high-level training programs for  prestigious universities and organizations. Among her recent notable publications are:  "Narrative Displacements: In Contemporary Colombian Cinema on Conflict" published in  Nuevo Texto Crítico, No. 28 (51), 233-248 (2015); the chapter “Documentary Film and  Memory: When Life Becomes Film” in the book Representar las memorias: Conflicto, Paz y  Memoria by the University of Antioquia Press (2021); “Audiovisual Production as  Resistance: The Case of Muchachos a lo bien and Rostros y rastros” in the Revista  Interamericana de Bibliotecología (2020); “Continuities and Changes in Political Memory  Documentary Film in Latin America” as parto f Memoria política en perspectiva  Latinoamericana published by Peter Lang (2019), in which she co-edited the book  Countercultures and Subcultures in Latin American Cinema (1979-2015) with Sonia García,  published by Tirant Humanidades. Recently, she published “Notes for an Assessment of  Documentary Film in Colombia” (2023) in La Pesadilla de Nanook. She directed the  documentary short film Borrowed Memories, Common Memories (2021), which premiered  at the Bogotá International Documentary Showcase and was awarded at the Extramuros  International Festival. She has also served as a jury member for showcases, festivals, and  various calls for research, production, and audiovisual circulation., and audiovisual circulation.

Research project

Research project

The project "Affective Turn in Colombian Documentary Cinema 2003-2023" aims to explore  the role of affects and emotions in Colombian documentary cinema over the past two  decades. In contrast to the existing literature on studies of reality cinema, where emotions  have been underestimated, this project seeks to understand how cinematic language is  shaped in this pursuit and the social and political character of this cinematic expression in  dialogue with the tradition of political documentary cinema in Latin America.  

Documentary cinema, traditionally considered a social and political expression, underwent  changes in the last decades of the 20th century and the early 21st century, in part due to  the developments in motion picture production technologies but especially in Colombia due  to political changes and primarily Film Law 814. For this reason, this research focuses on the  period marked by the twenty years of the Law, from 2003 to 2023. 

The productions of this period address themes such as personal narratives, political  memories, the use of archival footage, relationships with territories, family histories, and  motherhood, among others, which have redefined the documentary and raised questions  about the relationship with reality and society. Subjectivity and the private sphere have  gained relevance in productions previously oriented toward the public sphere, highlighting  a strong presence of affective and emotional expressions in documentary cinema.  

The research is framed in a transdisciplinary perspective that considers the capacity of  documentary cinema to reflect and generate debates close to cultural studies, emphasizing  the situated interpretation of cultural phenomena. The theoretical approach addresses the  evolution of the concept of documentary, highlighting the emergence of the term "non fiction" as a category that allows for greater expressive freedom, incorporating the lives of  characters, intimacy, and emotions.  

This corpus challenges historical dichotomies that have associated emotional expressions  with weakness, and thus, we work from the "affective turn" as an alternative to  understanding historical dimensions and forms of writing related to the private sphere, the  body, nature, feminism, and memory studies.  

The project outlines clear objectives, including the analysis of a corpus composed of  documentary works, the systematization of categories, the writing of findings, and the  development of new knowledge products. The approval of the project by the University of  Antioquia's Research System highlights the importance of contributing to the development  of cinematic language and the understanding of contemporary society.  

The project's methodology comprises an analytical-descriptive approach for studying the  corpus and an experimental component based on audiovisual creation. The expected  outcomes aim to enrich the theoretical and practical understanding of Colombian  documentary cinema, contribute to knowledge in audiovisual practices, and advance the  field. The dissemination of results is projected through participation in academic events,  publication of articles, and the proposal of a workshop dedicated to film experimentation.  

In summary, the project comprehensively addresses the evolution of Colombian  documentary cinema from an affective perspective, challenging paradigms and proposing a  novel approach that will enrich the academic and creative landscape in this field.

Selected Publications

Selected publications

2024, ¡Oiga Vea! (1972): Hacer cine de lo invisible en el marco de los VI Juegos Panamericanos de 1971, IdeAs Ideés d´Amériques, 23, Doi:, Institut des Amériques.  

2023. “Reflexión sobre el proceso de creación de la película Las razones del lobo”in  Mundo imaginado y significado. Discursos contemporáneos y comunicación, pp. 83-98,  Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana.

2022, Casa Abierta, in "Escribir, olvidar, regresar. Historias en borrador.", pp. 129-143, Editorial Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana - Universidad Nacional de Colombia.  

2022, Toro-Tamayo, L. C., López Carmona, A. M. Londoño Roman, C., y Baena Toro, S. “La  casa: un espacio de recuerdos. El archivo personal como forma para activar y construir la  memoria”, in Memórias em tempos difíceis., pp.  85-103, Coordenação: Maria Letícia Mazzucchi Ferreira [Recurso eletrônico] Porto 

2020, La producción audiovisual como resistencia: el caso de Muchachos a lo bien y  Rostros y rastros, Revista Interamericana De Bibliotecología, 43,2, pp. eI6/1 -eI6/9, Universidad de Antioquia. 

2020, P. Golovátina-Mora, B. Sheridan, A. M. López Carmona; ,On Visual Walking Remembering Warmipura – Among Women,Cinéma&Cie,34, pp.101-114
