Charles Parisot-Sillon

Lucienne Domergue Fellow
University of Orléans
The Fabric of the Roman West: monetary activities, metallic circulations, and connectivity across the Pyrenees (120-70 BC)
Charles Parisot-Sillon is a lecturer in ancient history at the University of Orléans since 2017, as well as a member of IRAMAT-Centre Ernest-Babelon (UMR 7065 CNRS-Univ. Orléans), a research lab specializing in the field of archaeometrical studies.
His research focuses on a variety of topics related to the production, distribution and uses of coinage in Republican Rome and the Western Mediterranean during the 3rd-1st centuries BC, with an emphasis on archaeological material from Southern France and the Iberian Peninsula.
Aside from long-term research interests related to the study of Roman State finance and administration as well as colonization and military logistics, Charles Parisot-Sillon has more recently been working on developing a global approach of the counterfeiting of Roman coins and other forms of irregular monetary activities in the Western Mediterranean.
Research project
This project is a contribution to the study of monetary integration in the North-western Mediterranean in relation with the process of Roman conquest, focusing on a shifting moment (c.120-70 BC) which saw both the increased dissemination of Roman coinage outside of Italy and the development of new, endogenous monetary trends on both sides of the Pyrenees.
While previous studies have mostly explored local and regional patterns in coin circulation and monetary uses, a focus of this research project is the characterization of tools and techniques related to the minting of coins, stressing out the extent of technological transfers and metallic flows.
Three areas of investigation will be addressed: technical inquiries into ancient minting activities, especially in relation with imitative, counterfeited or otherwise irregular coin issues; the identification of specific monetary trends on each side of the Pyrenees, as well as that of transpyrenean circulations; the digitization and dissemination of ancient numismatic heritage and data.
Selected Publications
- In press. “Mille manières de braconner. Pratiques monétaires irrégulières et activités militaires en temps de crise”, in Maria Bats, Jean-Claude Lacam and Raphaëlle Laignoux (eds), La République romaine face aux crises traumatiques (vol. 1), Pessac, Ausonius.
- 2022. Parisot-Sillon C. with Hiriart E., “A Fistful of Denarii. Coinage, Conquest and Connectivity in Southern Gaul (c. 150–c. 70 BC)”, in Jordi Principal, Toni Ñaco del Hoyo and Mike Dobson (eds), Rome and the North-Western Mediterranean: Integration and Connectivity, 150-75 BC, Oxford, Oxbow, pp. 143-158.
- 2018. Parisot-Sillon C. with Sarah G., “Production monétaire et stratégies d’approvi- sionnement de l’argent monnayé en Occident nord-méditerranéen (IIe – Ier s. av. n. è.)”, Mélanges de la Casa de Velázquez, 48/1, pp. 137-163.
- 2014. “Modes de production des fausses monnaies romaines à l’époque républicaine. À propos des coins d’un denier fourré à la légende Q·POM·RVFI / RVFVS·COS”, Bulletin de la Société française de Numismatique, 69/10, pp. 304-308.