Clotilde Aubry de Maromont

Délégation MESR
Université de La Réunion
La production du savoir juridique dans les facultés de droit espagnoles. Penser le droit en contexte de débordements de l’ordre étatique moderne
Professor of law at the University of La Réunion since 2017 and CNRS researcher at the laboratory Droit & Changement Social of Nantes University since 2023, Clotilde Aubry de Maromont works on how legal forms give shape to the material reality of Western societies. Specialist in obligations, she authored the book “La Société Obligée. Essai sur la civilité” (Presses Universitaires de France, 2025), in which she analyzes how relations of obligation have spread to all spheres of civil life, instituting a domestication of social relations which is consubstantial to the creation of modern states. Focusing on the fictions of legal knowledge in their propensity to shape the world, Clotilde Aubry de Maromont brings together knowledge and its socio-political context of production through a cultural and anthropological approach of law. In September 2024, Clotilde Aubry de Maromont begins her residency at La Casa de Velázquez, where she’ll lead a multi-disciplinary project that will extend, deepen, and implement her research in Spain and abroad.
Research project
Research project
Disrupted by the emergence of major environmental, economic, political, and social crises, legal knowledge finds itself in an unprecedented epistemological impasse. Its scientific and doctrinal methods are indeed in need of reconfiguration to rethink the regulation of a society already facing deep transmutation. Focusing on the transformation of legal knowledge in Spain, this research project takes place in this specific context of epistemological crisis where a collective aspiration to rethink ways of life and the legal frameworks shaping them seems to be emerging. Common to all liberal democracies, from the oldest to the most recent, North to South, this collective aspiration takes on a particular salience in certain countries which are today seen as veritable laboratories of democratic expression, where new political demands are being made by groups and individuals seeking to co-construct a new social organization. Eventually, Spain presents a rather interesting case study, where the liberal conception of normativity seen as something above society and exclusively produced by the state (top-down), clashes with the creation of social normativity emanating from society (bottom-up).
Selected Publications
Selected publications
- 2025. La Société obligée. Essai sur la civilité, PUF, Hors collection, 2025, à paraître.
- 2024. (avec O. Provini) “Quand les instruments de financement de la recherche participent à redessiner les pratiques et les représentations des chercheur.e.s. Étude sur les effets contrastés du GIP Justice dans le champ juridique”, Gouvernement et Action Publique, 2024-4, à paraître.
- 2022. “Ce que nous dit l’organisation d’une nouvelle manifestation sur les rapports entre les faits et le droit de la production scientifique dans la discipline juridique” in M. Devinat et N. Hakim (dir.), “Droit et faits”, Cahiers de méthodologie, n°35, RRJ 2022-3, p. 1535-1551.
- 2022. “Penser l’unité pour faire l’État. L’obligation effigie du monisme juridique français”, RRJ 2022-1, juin 2022, p. 55-75.
- 2021. “C’est quoi, au juste, faire de la recherche juridique ? Controverses sur la méthode”, in C. Aubry de Maromont (dir.) et F. Rouvière (Resp.), “La méthodologie de la recherche juridique pensée par ses acteurs”, Cahiers de méthodologie, n°33, RRJ 2020-3, p. 1297-1322.
- 2019. (avec F. Dargent), L’habitude en droit, Institut Universitaire Varenne, Coll. Colloques & Essais.