Delphine Diaz

Lucienne Domergue
Université de Reims Champagne Ardenne
Spanish insurgents in the French uprisings and revolutions (1830-1871)
Delphine Diaz is a graduate of the École normale supérieure de la rue d’Ulm and holds an « agrégation » in history. She is currently an associate professor at the University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne and a junior member of the Institut Universitaire de France. She is also a member of the Institut Convergences Migrations, where she works on the history of exile in France and Western Europe.
In 2014, she published a book based on her thesis, Un asile pour tous les peuples? Exilés et réfugiés étrangers dans la France du premier XIXe siècle (Paris, Armand Colin, Prix Augustin Thierry du Comité d'histoire de la ville de Paris in 2015). Between 2016 and 2020, she coordinated the AsileuropeXIX program, funded by the Agence nationale de la recherche, which examined the reception of refugees in 19th-century Europe: in conclusion of this research program, she edited a book with Sylvie Aprile, Les Réprouvés. Sur les routes de l’exil dans l'Europe du XIXe siècle (Paris, Éditions de la Sorbonne, 2021). Delphine Diaz is also the author of En exil. Les réfugiés en Europe, de la fin du XVIIIe siècle à nos jours (Paris, Gallimard, « Folio » collection, 2021). She was one of the scientific curators of the new permanent exhibition of the Musée national de l'histoire de l'immigration, that opened in 2023 at the Palais de la Porte Dorée in Paris.
Research project
Research project
The aim of this project is to investigate the participation of Spaniards - as well as subjects of the Hispanic Empire (Cubans) - in the French insurrections and revolutions of 1830-1870. Following on from work on the Spanish presence in France in the early 19th century, the aim is to shed light on the protagonism of those Spaniards passing through or residing in France who took up arms alongside the French and other foreign combatants: they have remained in the shadows in the history of these revolutionary processes, long described from a purely local or national perspective.
Taking into account the diversity of the revolutionary terrains considered (Paris in July 1830, February and June 1848, as well as the spring of 1871 during the Commune), the aim is to offer a prosopographical portrait of these Spaniards and subjects of the Spanish crown who rose up for the cause of freedom, social equality and/or the republic from the French capital.
Selected Publications
Selected publications
2022. “Un espace alternatif du politique ? Les souscriptions au profit d’exilés étrangers accueillis en France, années 1820-1840”, Mélanges de la Casa de Velázquez, 52-1, pp. 135-151.
2021. En exil. Les réfugiés en Europe de la fin du xviiie siècle à nos jours, Paris, Gallimard, collection « Folio histoire ».
2021. (with Sylvie Aprile, eds.) Banished. Traveling the Roads of exile in Nineteenth-Century Europe, Boston, De Gruyter / Delphine Diaz and Sylvie Aprile (eds.), Les Réprouvés. Sur les routes de l’exil dans l’Europe du xixe siècle, Paris, Éditions de la Sorbonne.
2015. (with Jeanne Moisand, Romy Sánchez, Juan Luis Simal, eds.), Exils entre les deux mondes. Migrations et espaces politiques atlantiques au xixe siècle, Bécherel, Les Perséides, collection « Le monde atlantique ».
2014. Un asile pour tous les peuples ? Exilés et réfugiés étrangers dans la France du premier xixe siècle, Paris, Armand Colin, collection « Recherches ».