Vincent Jan Nicolas

Marcel Bataillon fellow
Museo Nacional de Etnografía y Folklore de Bolivia
Circulation of folk tales between Europe and Latin America and its influence on the Quechua oral tradition in the Andes.
Vincent Nicolas is a social anthropologist, specialist in ethnohistory, oral history and Andean oral literature. He has a Ph.D. in Social Anthropology and ethnology from the EHESS (École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales), a master in Social Research for Development from the UPIEB (Universidad para la Investigación Estratégica en Bolivia), and a bachelor’s degree in anthropology and philosophy from the ULB (Université Libre de Bruxelles). He has been professor of many postgraduate programs in Bolivia.
His doctoral thesis consisted in a comparison between documental history and oral memory. His research has driven him to explore the Hispanic influences into the collective memory of Andean peoples in the narrative as well as in the iconography and rituality.
He was a scholar of the IFEA (Institut Francais d’Études Andines) in 2015 and a research fellow at the PIEB (Programa de Investigación Estratégica en Bolivia) between 2000 and 2014. He has been district director of the ACLO Foundation and district coordinator of MUSEF (Museo Nacional de Etnografía y Folklore) in Bolivia.
Research project
The research Project proposes to examine the influence of European folk tales on the oral Andean tradition. It seeks to inquire into the chains of transmission of the European folk tales in Latin America and to analyze the transformation process of those in the Andean oral tradition.
The research project is based on an unpublished corpus of Quechua tales that have been compiled recently in the region of Potosí, Bolivia. The hypothesis is that the folk tales compilations printed in Europe in the nineteenth century have had a big influence, through its diffusion in America, in the oral traditions of indigenous peoples of the Andean region.
Selected Publications
- 2020. Banderas de lucha, banderas de culto: las wiphalas del Rey. Contribución al estudio de una iconografía imperial-popular en los Andes en el periodo colonial y poscolonial, La Paz, Plural
- 2018. Betanzos. Cerros, caminos, tambos, haciendas y rebeliones, La Paz, Plural.
- 2018. Mita y mitayos en la villa de Potosí (siglos xvi-xviii), La Paz, El Cuervo.
- 2015. Los ayllus de Tinguipaya. Ensayos de historia a varias voces, La Paz, Plural.
- 2014. Nicolas Vincent J. con Quisbert P., Pachakuti: el retorno de la nación. Estudio comparativo del imaginario de nación de la Revolución Nacional y del Estado Plurinacional, La Paz, PIEB