Sandra GAYOL

Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento

Personal page

Sandra Gayol is a principal researcher at the National Council of Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET), professor at the Institute of Sciences of the National University of General Sarmiento (UNGS) and professor at the Doctorate in Social Sciences UNGS-IDES, Argentina. He received his doctorate in Histoire et Civilizations at the EHESS in Paris (1996) and obtained the DEA in History of Latin America at the University of Paris III, Sorbonne Nouvelle (1991). He has been visiting-schollar of the National School of Anthropology and History (ENAH), Mexico; from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Brazil; and of the EHESS of Paris. She was director of the Master's and Doctorate Program in Social Sciences UNGS-IDES, and Senior Felow Reserach in Paris (2012-2013).

His research areas are the social and cultural history of crime; honour and urban sociability in the IXth and XXth centuries; and the politics of death in the 20th century. Currently he is working on the relationship between masses, emotions and politics, focusing on cases of the Southern Cone. Integrates the network Mass politics and mass culture in Latin America and the network Image of death and dying in the Ibero-American world.

Amongst other books, she has published Sociabilidad en Buenos Aires. Hombres, honor y cafés (1862-1910); Honor y duelo en la Argentina moderna; Sociabilidades, justicas e violëncias: práticas e representacóes no Cone Sul (séculos XIX e XX) (with S. Jatahy Pesavento); Muertes que importan: una mirada sociohistórica sobre los casos que marcaron la argentina reciente (with G. Kessler).and “Violent death, public problems and changes in Argentina”, en Current Sociology, december  2015 (con G. Kessler) y “Honor Moderno: the significance of Honor in Fin-de-siècle Argentina”,The Hispanic American Historical Review, 84:3, august 2004.
