Vicenzo SORIA

University of Salento
Keywords: Roman archaeology, archaeometry, ancient tableware, human-object relationship, ancient daily life.
The role of tableware in building the ancient communities in the Círculo del Estrecho area during the Iron Age and the Roman Republican period (3rd-1st century BC)
Vicenzo Soria received a BA in Architectural, Archaeological and Environmental Heritage (University of Salento, Italy) before receiving an MA in Archaeology (University of Salento, Italy) and an MSc in Underwater Archaeology (Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa and Instituto Politécnico de Tomar, Portugal). He was then awarded a 4-year PhD fellowship from Portugal’s Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT). He developed his PhD research at the University of Lisbon Centre of Archaeology (UNIARQ) on the Italic black gloss tableware and its grey clay imitations in Portugal during the 2nd and 1st centuries BC, building on a combining perspective concerning archaeological, ceramological, statistical and sociological approaches.
This grant gave him the opportunity to collaborate with scholars and non-academic colleagues from Portugal, Spain, Italy and Germany, contributing to his professional growth as a specialist in ancient potteries and in Mediterranean and Roman Archaeology.
He has frequently presented the results of his research at international conferences, and published papers in high-impact and peer-reviewed journals.
Research project
The project aims to analyse the impact of ancient globalization driven by the Roman commercial and political influence on the “Círculo del Estrecho” area during the last three centuries BC, especially considering the active role of objects in the construction of a new society.
The analysis of tableware assemblages is crucial in order to unveil a deep aspect of the daily habits of the ancient communities. Their ambivalent role as object shaping and shaped by daily habits requires the adoption of a specific interdisciplinary methodology. This integrates historical, archaeological, ceramological, archaeometrical, statistical and sociological approaches in order to provide an innovative, inter-national, cross-comparative, multidimensional narrative for this historical process.
The application of these different techniques for a single goal is new and unique: it is based on Vicenzo Soria’s previous research.
The project will give an important historical insight for the modern globalization process and the responses to it, enabling a grounded perspective on the diversity and complexity of these topics.
Selected Publications
PIMENTA, J. - RIBERA i LACOMBA, A. - SORIA, V. (2018) Le ceramiche a vernice nera italica dei livelli di fondazione di Olisipo e Valentia (140–130 a.C.), in 30th Congress of the Rei Cretariae Romanae Fautores “New Perspectives on Roman Pottery: Regional Patterns in a Global Empire” (Lisbon, Portugal, 25th September – 2nd October 2016), vol. 45: 115- 125.
SORIA, V. – PALMA, M. (2017) A cerâmica de tipo Kuass em Mértola (Portugal): as escavações da Biblioteca Municipal, in Archivo Español de Arqueologia 90, Madrid, 77-96.
SCHIAVON, N.- SORIA, V.- ARRUDA, A.M.- BELTRAME, M.- MIRÃO, J. (2016) “Losanga” decorated Imitations of Italic Late Republican Black Gloss Tableware from South-Western Iberia: a Multi-analytical/Microchemical Characterization, in Microchemical Journal 124, 712- 718.
SORIA, V. (2015) Um conúbio de sabedoria técnica e novas modas conviviais: as taças em pasta cinzenta imitante TSI de Monte dos Castelinhos (Vila Franca de Xira-Portugal), in CIRA Arqueologia 4, Câmara Municipal de Vila Franca de Xira (Portugal), 55- 64.
SORIA, V. (2013) Cerâmica de mesa em época tardorepublicana em Scallabis: o contributo da campaniense. Actas del I Congreso Internacional de la SECAH (Cádis, 2011). Monografías Ex Officina Hispana 1, vol II, 249- 269.