Pablo Galaso Reca


François Chevalier Fellow

Universidad de la República, Uruguay

Redes locales como respuesta a los desafíos ambientales de los sistemas agroalimentarios: estudios de caso en las industrias olivareras y lácteas



Pablo Galaso holds a Ph.D. in Economics from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM). He was a lecturer at UAM (2007-2013) and is currently associate professor at the Institute of Economics of the Universidad de la República (Uruguay). He is a Level I researcher in the National System of Researchers of Uruguay. His research focuses on territorial development, innovation, and network analysis. He has published various articles in specialized journals, chapters, and books on these topics. He has participated in and led several competitive research projects on territorial development, clusters, and innovation networks in Latin America. He is part of the coordinating committee of the Ibero-American Network of Development Studies and coordinates the Knowledge, Innovation, and Regional Development in South America research network of the Regional Studies Association.

Research project

Research project

In response to the growing environmental pressure related to climate change and other impacts associated with food production, this project aims to analyze how territories, through  collaborative local networks, can provide coordinated innovative responses to their environmental challenges. The project is based on an endogenous territorial development approach using the concept of a local agri-food system (LAFS). Two representative LAFS case studies are chosen: olive production in Jaén (Spain) and the dairy industry in Colonia (Uruguay). The methodology includes fieldwork with interviews with companies and the application of social network analysis techniques, econometric models, and qualitative content analysis. The expected outcomes of the project aim to illustrate to what extent LAFS can offer more precise and adapted responses to territorial environmental challenges, in contrast to the standardized solutions that global industries may provide.

Selected Publications

Selected publications

2024. “Environmental challenges and innovative responses of local agri-food systems: a theoretical approach”, Competitiveness Review: An International Business Journal, pp. 1-14.

2023. “Knowledge complexity and brokerage in inter-city networks”, The Journal of Technology Transfer, 48(5), pp. 1773-1799.

2023. “The trade-offs of brokerage in inter-city innovation networks”, Regional Studies, 57(2), pp. 225-238.

2021. “Collaboration networks, geography and innovation: local and national embeddedness”, Papers in Regional Science, 100(2), pp. 349-378.

2021. “The leading role of support organisations in cluster networks of developing countries”, Industry and Innovation, 28(7), pp. 902-931
