Sergio Hernán Angeli


François Chevalier Fellow


Circular a través de la distancia: saberes, doctrinas y agentes de justicia y gobierno en el orbe indiano



Sergio Angeli works as Associate Researcher of CONICET (National Council for Scientific and Technical Research) in the Latin American History Program (PROHAL) of the Institute of Argentine and American History “Dr. Emilio Ravignani” from the University of Buenos Aires. He graduated as Professor, Bachelor and Doctor in History from the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the University of Buenos Aires and obtained a Master's degree in History from the IDAES (Institute of Higher Social Studies) of the National University of General San Martín. He is Adjunct Professor of American History Problems at the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters and Head of Practical Work in the area of Society and State of the Common Basic Cycle of the University of Buenos Aires. He also belongs to the Legal History Research Institute as a Full Member. His doctoral and postdoctoral research focused on the judicial and prosopographic analysis of the Court of Lima in the early 16th century in Peru, while his current research is focused on the social and professional performance of the magistrates of the Court of Charcas during the 16th century. and XVII. He participates as a researcher in the projects “The Andean South against the Spanish conquest and colonization and its historiography. Jurisdiction and territorialization of space. Logics and sociopolitical conflicts against the colonial system, Charcas XVI-XVII centuries” and “Conquest, jurisdiction and territorialization of the South Andean space. Logics and sociopolitical conflicts against the colonial system, Charcas centuries XVI-XVII” both based at the University of Buenos Aires.

Research project

Research project 

The project being carried out seeks to investigate how they moved and who were the agents of government and justice who circulated throughout the Atlantic distances of the Habsburg Empire during the 16th and 17th centuries, with emphasis on those who lived in the Peruvian viceroyalty. We propose a global view that can bring together the agents, their knowledge and their texts. The methodology that we will apply is based on the prosopographic study of the viceroys, judges and prosecutors who moved to the viceroyalty of Peru, observing the relational networks that were interwoven on both oceanic coasts, with the purpose of showing the multiple connections between the agents in their maritime and/or land journeys. At the same time, we will seek to reveal the knowledge and textual culture to which these officers were entitled, thus attempting to show the rich tradition that imbued the jurisdictional exercise of the first global empires that emerged from the world system that was established in the 15th century.

Selected Publications

Selected publications

2024. Travesías en la historia del derecho argentino: tributos a Víctor Tau Anzoátegui, forjador de puentes historiográficos (coeditado con Jorge Núñez), Madrid, Universidad Carlos III-Dykinson.

2023. “Agentes, redes y prácticas en la distancia: el ejercicio de la jurisdicción en América colonial (siglos XVI-XVII)” (en coautoría con Cecilia Oyarzabal), Memoria Americana. Cuadernos de Etnohistoria, Instituto de Ciencias Antropológicas-Facultad de Filosofía y Letras-Universidad de Buenos Aires, vol. 31, Nro. 2, 2023

2021. “La recusación como instrumento de indagación político-social en la justicia judicial de Antiguo Régimen”, Presta, Ana María (Editora), Libro de acuerdo para pleitos de recusaciones de oidores y para pleitos propios de oidores y de su familia, año 1564, Sucre, Archivo y Biblioteca Nacionales de Bolivia, ISBN: 978-99974-840-7-9

2021. “En medio de un rinconzillo”: Argumentos para la ampliación jurisdiccional de la Audiencia de Charcas a través de la comunicación política enviada a la Corona (1561-1563)”, Diálogo Andino. Revista de historia, geografía y cultura andina, Tarapacá-Chile, ISSN: 0719-2681

2020. “dizen algunos oydores a las partes que en acuerdo les mato y me ponen mal con los litigantes”: El fiscal Jerónimo de Rabanal y su participación en la Audiencia de Charcas (1561-1578)”, Autoctonía. Revista de Ciencias Sociales e Históricas, Chile, Segundo Semestre 2020, ISSN: 0719-8213
